Monday, 23 June 2014
Are We Normal: Linking with our environment.
These images are all about how we link and are influenced by our enviroment. to do this i manipulated the image of portriats as well as some images of their surroundings and made one images. I like the way that it looks as though they are blending together and the way they look as though they are meant to be like that.
(sorry it is late saved as draft)
(sorry it is late saved as draft)
Are We Normal: Water
These images where really fun to do. I took these images under water using a special tripod. It is nothing i have ever done before but i love the way the images have come out. My favourite thing about these images are the colours and the way it changes the image so much.
(sorry late saved as draft)
Are We Normal: Out And About.
These images are all about going out and about. For this shoot i went to one of my favourite places and a place that has special meaning to me. i took images along a path that i walk through alot. This likes to are we normal because its all about how we link ourselves to places and what is around you. I like these images because they make me feel peaceful and i love the colours and dreamy feel it gives.and if i could have improved then i would have made them more interesting.
(sorry its late saved as drafts)
(sorry its late saved as drafts)
Personal Statement
I am a hardworking, confident and enthusiastic person who
loves working with people. I pride myself on my ability to take on new
challenges and work effectively with new people and individually.
I first discovered my passion for art when I visited to the
galleries in London. Seeing all the varying forms of art from all different
artists I felt inspired. I distinctly remember a trip to the V&A to see an
exhibition based around the theme of Chinese culture. One dress really stood
out from the rest; a student had hand painted the most intricate pattern and
created a really beautiful item which drew your eye from wherever you stood in
the room. From then on I was hooked so proceeded to study art at GCSE and progressed
to a BTEC level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design.
In GCSE level I studied two creative subjects as my choices.
One was Art and the other was the Diploma in Creative and Media. Both of these
subjects really intensified my passion for the subject which increased further
when I started college. College gave me the opportunity participate in subjects
that I had never done before such as Textiles, Photography, Fine Art and
Graphics which allowed me to gain experience in a range of subjects.
After studying art in design at both level 2 and level 3 I know
this course would be a fantastic next step and an exciting new prospect for me.
This course will allow me to try something new and exciting and broaden my skills
and education in the arts.
I used to be part of an operatics society in Tiverton. I
loved the buzz off making the show happen and performing. Not only did I enjoy
being part of the show, I also loved getting involved in the set making,
costumes and makeup. Participating in the shows got me used to working to a
brief, with pressure and a deadline. The skills I picked up there will be a
helpful and a valuable asset to this course as it taught me how to handle the
pressure and keep to a schedule.
In my spare time I love to paint. I’ve just started painting
to briefs for clients after someone saw my work in our house and spread the
word. I really enjoy doing this because I get to do what I enjoy and make
people happy at the same time. I also have a part time job which has helped me
become independent and responsible.
I have always been really inspired by artists who have blossomed
from nowhere and have created really beautiful, unusual and unique pieces of
work. My favorite painter in Stephen Simpson. I saw his work hidden in a local
gallery and his paintings is so unusual and unique, they are hard to look away
from. He uses all different mediums and utilizes them all together to create
something that cannot be duplicated. The quality of really inspires me.
University, although challenging, will upmost provide me
with an exciting new adventure. This is a subject I’m am extremely passionate
about and this course will allow me to expand my skills, knowledge and
experience in the arts ready for the industry.
(sorry its late saved as a draft)
Staying in education:
Pros: more options, more experience, more
time to decide
Cons: Expensive, safe
Cons: low pay, less stable
Pros: earning money, experience, head
start in work
Cons: might start to rely on it, get stuck
in it
Self Employed:
Pros: Your timetable, making money,
experience, goes around you
Cons: Risky, hard to stay in
Gap Year:
Pros: experience, exploring, gives you
time to decide, learn new things
Cons: Missing out on jobs/ courses
(sorry its late was saved as a draft)
This is the first work
apprenticeship that I have found. This placement is all about photography and
the techniques that surround it. I think this would be a good placement for me
as I will be doing something different all the time so I will never get bored
with what I am doing. Job roles include photo imaging briefs, undertaking
photographic assignments, colour management procedures, using minilab
equipment, technical adjustment of images, image cataloguing and freelance
working. Also not only will I be learning ne w things but I will be earning too
and the starting salary is £12,00 and goes up as you go. Also as it is an
advanced level apprenticeship means that its specialized so you know that you
will defiantly be doing what it says on the website.
This is an apprenticeship
that links really well with what I want to do with my gap year. This
apprenticeship is all about giving something back to people who are less
fortunate. It is a lot cheaper then some of the gap year opportunities that GVI
are offering. When your there you get all the training and support you need to
help the other people. When your there ill be working with community-based organisations
working at a grassroots level, established national and
international charities, local, regional and
national government departments. I think this would be a good thing for me to
do as it is a cheaper way to help people and also allows you to give something
back to people who cant help themselves.
(sorry it is late was saved as a draft)
Educational Opportunities
Educational Opportunities
first course I have decided to do is the AS/A2 in Photography. I thought that
this would be a good course to do as it widens my knowledge on my specialism it
allows me to learn more techniques and become a better photographer. I also
think this would be a course for me as I already know a lot about the skills,
as I have already used many of them, so I will be able to just get on with it
and maybe even experiment with new techniques.
As this is a college course I will need 5 GCSEs at Grade C
including English Language and Maths at C+, and 3 GCSEs at Grade D+. A Grade C
or above in GCSE Art or a related subject, such as Media or Graphic Products is
required. I have checked my GCSE grades and would get in for this course.
As when I start this course I will be under 18 meaning that
the course would be free. This is defiantly something to consider as it is a
lot cheaper then a university course and it gives me a chance to widen my
knowledge and learn more.
I live locally so I would not need any residence as I can
travel in from home. This will also save me money as it means I will only have
to pay for transport to and from college, which is £500 a year.
They do offer bursaries if on low-income household or on benefits.
Though as my household doesn’t fall into this category then I am not entitled
to this so I have to pay for things such as materials, printing etc.
Educational Opportunities
course is the follow up of what I am doing right now. It is at university
level. I think it would be the
course for me as I know a lot about how it works already as it would be similar
to what I am doing now. Also think
it would be a good course for me as it allows a lot of different possibilities
in different subjects as well as expanding on what I have already learnt.
To do this course they ask for 5 GCSEs at C or above and
usually have studied at A2 level or have completed a BTEC or Extended Diploma
in Art and Design programme. Also when you go to the interview to get in they
ask for a portfolio of your work so they can see your work and the level that
you perform at.
This course is fairly cheap and will cost me £1649, £30
Caution and a studio fee. It’s a relative cheap course as the others start from
£5000 and go up. This is defiantly
something to consider, as it is a cheap course and a good way to expand on my
knowledge that I have gained from doing this course.
They do have places that you can stay and they vary from
college owned shared houses to renting a private shared student home. Though I
don’t think I would need any of these as I live near by and would only need to
pay for transport in and out of the college which would only cost £500 for the
They do offer bursaries if on low-income household or on
benefits. Though as my household doesn’t fall into this category then I am not
entitled to this so I have to pay for things such as materials, printing
Educational Opportunities
I think this course would be a good course for me as it is
something new and concentrating on just one subject so that I can focus all my
energy on this one thing. Also as I am specialism this would give me a chance
to learn some new techniques and skills that I could take onto a new career.
This is a full time course and requires a minimum of 160 UCAS
tariff points and would probably want to see a portfolio so they know how you
work and what you know. I think this will be an ideal course for me as I know a
lot about photography already and with doing it as a specialism I will know evbbccfv
c cvvcfbvbven more techniques and this course will help with learning even
To do this course there is a fee of £5995. This is cheap in
comparison to some of the courses that are provided in some universities, which
mean that not only am I getting a university level qualification but only
spending half the money. I would defiantly consider this as it gives me a
chance to expand my skills in photography at a higher level.
They do have places that you can stay and they vary from
college owned shared houses to renting a private shared student home. Though I
don’t think I would need any of these as I live near by and would only need to
pay for transport in and out of the college which would only cost £500 for the
They do offer bursaries if on low-income household or on
benefits. Though as my household doesn’t fall into this category then I am not
entitled to this so I have to pay for things such as materials, printing etc.
Educational Opportunities
This is something completely different to the other courses I
have done but it gives me a chance to expand my create flare in another way. It
is a hobby that I would like to take to another level. As I can mix both the
creative flare I have and a passion for cooking.
As it is a college course they 3 GCSEs at Grade D or above including
Maths and English at D+. They also look to see that you are keen and are
interested in catering and have an aptitude for hospitality. I think that I
would get in for this course as I have worked in both a team and as an
individual and have the correct grades too.
As when I start this course I will be under 18 meaning that
the course would be free. This is defiantly something to consider, as it is a
lot cheaper then a university course and it gives me a chance to widen my
knowledge and learn more.
I live locally so I would not need any residence as I can
travel in from home. This will also save me money as it means I will only have
to pay for transport to and from college, which is £500 a year.
They do offer bursaries if on low-income household or on
benefits. Though as my household doesn’t fall into this category then I am not
entitled to this so I have to pay for some of the extra things that come with
the course that don’t come under the money you pay when you start the course.
More Gap Year Oppertunitys
Help the development of underprivileged children through creative arts in
I have chosen this gap year
opportunity because it gives me a chance to explore somewhere new and do
something else that I enjoy. It mixes both the adventure of travelling somewhere
new and meeting new people as well as teaching something I enjoy doing to
underprivileged children. I love working with children also and I have many
young children in my family and love the atmosphere that comes with young
You can go to this tip for
anything form 2 to 12 weeks and you can also go any time of the year. This is a
good way to do it as it means that you can have the flexibility to go when you
can so it doesn’t disrupt anything in your personal life. I think that I would
do it nearer the summer time as it is when I have finished college and have free
The trip is run by GVI. Their
a company play a very important role in the conservation and education from
around the world. They offer al different projects for people to take part in
in more then 40 countries including Africa, America and Europe. They offer the
chance to pay a vital part in pioneering volunteer overseas.
To do this programme you have
to pay anything from £850 for two weeks and £1850 for 12 weeks. This includes
discounted services, pickups, accommodation, support, meals, training and
equipment. You have to pay for other things on top of that though including
flights, medical and travel insurance, visa costs, kit, taxes and additional
things. They also offer scholarship in which if they think that you are
exceptional then they offer you a placement, which means that you can go and
get paid after time.
From doing this experience I
think that not only will I be able to travel to a place that I have never been
to and gain new experience but I will also be able to help the less fortunate
and do some good in the world. I think it will be very enriching and a
brilliant new experience.
Plan and deliver arts and crafts workshops to children from Cape Town’s
This gap year opportunity is
very similar to the first one.
Though traveling to a well know deprived area and doing art workshops
for underprivileged communities. I get to experience a different culture and
help out people who are less fortunate. It mixes both the adventure of
travelling somewhere new and meeting new people as well as teaching something I
enjoy doing to underprivileged children. I love working with children also and
I have many young children in my family and love the atmosphere that comes with
young children.
This programme can be from 2
to 12 weeks. You can also go anytime of the year. I really like this because it
means that you can have the flexibility of going when you want and for however
long you want. It means that I can fit it around life I think that I would go
after I finish college next year so that I have more free time and allows e to
stay longer and do more.
The trip is run by GVI. Their
a company play a very important role in the conservation and education from
around the world. They offer al different projects for people to take part in
in more then 40 countries including Africa, America and Europe. They offer the
chance to pay a vital part in pioneering volunteer overseas.
This programme can cost
anything from £995 to £2495 for 12 weeks. This includes discounted services,
pickups, accommodation, support, meals, training and equipment. You have to pay
for other things on top of that though including flights, medical and travel
insurance, visa costs, kit, taxes and additional things. They also offer
scholarship in which if they think that you are exceptional then they offer you
a placement, which means that you can go and get paid after time.
I think I could get a lot
from this experience and not only is it a holiday in a way but it allows me to
help people who are underprivileged and give something to the community. I also
think it will be a good experience as I am going somewhere new and learning
about new cultures and beliefs. I think it will be really enriching and educational.
Assist with education projects in Cape Town’s townships and gain
additional experience on a work placement
This gap year opportunity is
slightly different to the other two as it gives the opportunity of having a job
at the end of it. You go to Cape Town and teach in deprived schools. I think it
would be a good opportunity a it could lead to something more and then if I
like the experience then I can stay for longer and let my experiences grow and
maybe even earn money. Many of the primary schools ill be working in are really
overcrowded with over 50 students per class this means that teachers are unable
to give each child individual attention. GVI has designed
a project providing individual lessons to the children that have
difficulties reading and writing.
The programme is 24 weeks
long. It starts with a 12-week volunteer workshop where you learn the essential
tools and expand your teaching techniques. They offer all different learning programmes,
including art and sport. I think that I would like to participate in the art
side of the project though wouldn’t be afraid to get stuck in with some of the
other subjects.
The program is £4095 for the
24 weeks but this gives you the chance of a paid job. This includes discounted services, pickups, accommodation,
support, meals, training and equipment. You have to pay for other things on top
of that though including flights, medical and travel insurance, visa costs,
kit, taxes and additional things. I think it is a good idea as it also gives
you the chance that if you really enjoy it and the company see that you are an
asset then they might keep you on and you can stay and carry on.
The trip is run by GVI. Their
a company play a very important role in the conservation and education from
around the world. They offer al different projects for people to take part in
in more then 40 countries including Africa, America and Europe. They offer the
chance to pay a vital part in pioneering volunteer overseas.
I really like the sound of
this project. It sounds like a good way to give something back to people who
are less fortunate also it seems like a good way to also get a job and get paid
by helping people and making their community better as well as doing something
I enjoy.
(Sorry it is late it was saved as a draft)
Covering letter
1 Tyes Farm Cottages
EX15 2JS
65-67 High
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I would love to be considered for the job of a [JOB TITLE]
in response to [WHERE I SAW IT] on
the [DATE], please consider my CV in your search for a [JOB TITLE]
I think that I would be a great addition to your company
as I am dedicated and hardworking. I love meeting new people and a quick
learner. I am friendly, bubbly, have a good personality and never afraid to get
stuck in. I love to meet new people and am always
smiling. I am a very creative person and currently studying art at college and
have participated in many other creative routes. I am good at time keeping and
am always up for new experiences and challenges and I believe that this job
would help me learn new skill and gain valuable experience.
Thank you for taking the time to read my CV and letter and
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Sincerely
Leanne Sullivan
(Sorry it is late it was saved as a draft)
Leanne Sullivan
3 Mill Cottages, Coldharbour,
Uffculme, Devon, EX15 3EE
D.O.B: 11/09/95
am a hardworking, confident and enthusiastic person who loves working with
people. I pride myself on my ability to take on new challenges and work
effectively with new people. I believe I would be a valuable asset to the
Community College, Broadclyst.
Exeter College,
diploma in art and design level 3 btec.
1 community sighted guide
Citizenship Award
of achievements through shows I’ve been in
Key Skills and Attributes:
customer service tailored to the individual
under pressure
team player with ability/experiance to lead
to use own initiative
training on till including refunds
in stock management
and dedicated
dealing with a variety of people
Sitel (John
Lewis Technical Support Campaign)
Sales Advisor
From Aug 2013-
my current position as a Sales Advisor In this role I have been able to learn
valuable customer service skills and the ability to deal with a variety of
customers. As well as that I have also been able to learn more about electronic
products such as computers and several systems within them, which will really
help me in the future. This job has taught me brilliant customer control
techniques such as patience and calming which will really help in jobs to come
Plymtree Play
From Feb 2014 –
May 2014
this roe I would go into the preschool and help the children during their
lunch. It was a really good experience and I have learnt valuable skills about
the industry. During this role I also got the opportunity to be CRB checked and
research into children’s safeguarding which will really help in the future.
Though I don’t work their now permanently I am currently being used as bank
Sales Assistant
From May 2012 –
Aug 2013
a sales advisor I had a variety of different roles and responsibilities within
customer service. Which involves talking to a range customers, getting to know
them, and finding out what’s the best product for them to fulfill their needs.
During my time in this employment I have learnt how to understand sales
figures, manage stock and refunds. I have encountered various challengers
including preparation for four sales, keeping to a deadline, as well as dealing
with shoplifters and difficult customers. I have a passion for sales and
Exeter Fabric
Work Experience
– Sales Assistant
October 2011
was my first experience in the retail environment I learnt how to meet customer
demands and deal with different situations effectively.
love to paint in my free time and I often get commissioned to create work for
people. I also love to take photos of when I’m out and about of others work
including the world of graffiti. Lastly I love to use my creative flare with
Judith Gibbs:
Clyst Vale Community Collage
Station road, Broadclyst, Exeter, EX4
Monsoon/ Accessorize
15 High St, City Centre, Exeter
01392 425443
Rowan Pettit:
Plymtree Pre-School
Plymtree Village Hall, Plymtree,
Cullompton, EX15 2JE
Tony Martin
Exeter College
Hele Road, Exeter, EX4 4JS
3 Manor Court, Dixe’s Field, Exeter,
(sorry its late it was saved as a draft)
Friday, 13 June 2014
Creating a business card: photoshop
after creating a business card online using a template i decided to try and make one from scratch using photoshop. by doing this it gives me the chance to really add my own touch and also have the influence of all the research i have done. After looking through all the research on the template creating i decided to go for a black backing with dashes of colour.
I like the way the back and the front go and with the front i wanted to have a few different images to show my work and catch their eye with the type of work that i do. I also like the way the front has the dash of colour so that it draws your eye into my name and also makes it stick in your head.
I like the way the back and the front go and with the front i wanted to have a few different images to show my work and catch their eye with the type of work that i do. I also like the way the front has the dash of colour so that it draws your eye into my name and also makes it stick in your head.
Where to get them printed?
to get them printed?
are loads of companies that print of business cards and can help you create
them. By doing it this way you get a professional looking product and a good
impression to whomever you are giving it too. Different websites offer you different services. For example
some website you just upload your designs while others offer you a template to
help you create something you are proud of.
print is one of the most known companies to have your business cards printed.
They have a lot of facilities to get you on your way and create your business
card. From looking at reviews they aren’t just cheap but they are also come
quickly and have a reasonable quality to them.
is slightly less known brand to Vista print but they look really professional
look to the website. It has the
ability to use their design or to download your own. There pre-made designs
have a lot more choice and inspiration.

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