These are some images done with a medium format camera. The medium format camera is a larger film camera then the normal everyday film camera. It takes alot more time and effort to use these cameras but the images come out beautiful. By using medium format it allows you to blow up the images and make them huge without losing the quality of the details.
I really like these images because you can really see the detail in the image. Though these don't look as good as the real thing as they were scanned in but face on you can see all the little detail on each one. I also like this technique because you can really personalise it and even if you choose to enlarge it you don't lose all the detail. The only thing that i found hard was because of the time of year it was really bright in the day so it took a while to set it all up and focus it for the image but i think the effort was worth while.
This image reminds me of secret garden. The way the door is poking out of the hedge with the ivy reaching across the door looks really magical. I tried to get the angle to look as though the door was reaching out for the sun and the light. also wanted to make the door look a little wonky as though its out of a story book. I think that if i could improve this image then i would do some dodging and burning on the leaves to make them not so bright at the bottom so the sun looks likes its coming from one point.
This is my favourite image of the three. The image is of a house covered by ivy not far from where i took the first image. It looks like an old house and with the black and white film i think it really exaggerated that aspect. I like the way the ivy looks like it is crawling around the building and trying to taker over it and i think it almost looks like rain. if i could improve the image tyhen i think i would have done some dodging in the brick work to try and get some more detail in the building.