Thursday, 24 April 2014

Are We Normal:Up Against It

For this shoot i wanted to look at an unusual way of experimenting with portraits. I want to do this by coving ther models face and only allowing parts of it to be seen. To achieve this i used fuzzy plastic so that everything else would be burred out. I was really inspired by Jenny Saville. I really like these images as now they have been desaturated theyhave a really ghostly and spooky effect about them. I love the images as well as they go so well in a pack. If i could improve then i would have tried to make them a little more clearer as they are a little out of focus.

Are We Normal:Sarah Gardner

This is one of my favourite artists that use texture. She used to work in film but has recently moved to digitasl as she finds it easier to manipulate her images. She uses photoshop to layer two images together and create a really beautiful effect. I really like this way of using texture as its something diffrent and unusual yet really beautiful. I also love the effect that it causes and gives the image a whole new life. If i could recreate this then i would layer images over the top of each other and then would create a similar effect.


Are We Normal:Texture.

I am now moving on and looking at texture. i want to lokand all the lumps and bumps in nature and in us and also look at whats makes things what they are. I also want to look at all those things people usually miss untill they get close and look.
noun: texture; plural noun: textures
  1. 1.
    the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
    "skin texture and tone"

    "the quality and texture of the fabric"

    • the character or appearance of a textile fabric as determined by the arrangement and thickness of its threads.
      "a dark shirt of rough texture"
    • Art
      the tactile quality of the surface of a work of art.
    • the quality created by the combination of the different elements in a work of music or literature.
      "a closely knit symphonic texture"

These are the images i took to explore the idea of texture. I liked these images because though they are simple they are the little things that people normally miss and dont think are beautiful. My favourite image of the set is the one of the cob web as its something usually get rid of and dislike but in this photo you can see all the intricate details and its hidden beauty.

Are We Normal: Lucy Unusual Portraits

For this shoot i was looking at the idea of unusual portraits. I took lucy again and went into Exeter and took what would have been a nice image of her but i then cut out her face. I think this way its cutting out the part that people judge each other on the most. This way its almosty a rebel against beauty photography and giving the viewer something else to look at. I really like these images because of the focus. i love the way that she is the centre iof the photo and the background is blurred out this way it is forcing youto look at her. If i could imporve this image then I would have done a set of images of diffrent people.

Are We Normal: Lucy. Blurring by.

This shoot was all about exploring the idea that there is no normal and everyone is diffrent. to deminstate this i was orignally going to have her in focus and everyone else rushing past but when i did it the tripod was broken sosome didnt go to pan. Though looking back through the photos i think this gave a really nice effect. I like these images becuase they have a really nice effect. If i could improve the image then i would have made it darker as the weather was really sunny. By doing this it wouldnt be so exposed. I thinkthe imagers have a really spooky and ghostly effect about.