Thursday, 30 January 2014

Landscapes: Dartmoor

These are the photos I took out on Dartmoor. I wanted to experiment with HDR, silhouettes and Panoramics.




Landscapes:Marsh Barton

Here is a couple of photos from some of the Landscape shoots I have been doing. These are the photos were taken in Marsh Barton. When taking them it was really heavy rain. So that i decided to look at the silhouettes of the trees and shapes. I really like these photos because they look really spooky and especially with the trees they look fairy tale appearance. if i could improve these images i would have gone a brighter day so i could get more variety.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Tassia Bianchini

When looking online for a portfolio website icame arcoss this artist. I really like the way her work is so free and beautiful. I love the colours as well and how experiemental it looks and i think i could recreate this with a bit of card and acrylic paint.


Inspiring blog.

From looking at the diffrent blog examples i really like this one. I really like the way that its easy to navagate and you can find your way around it without an issue. I also like the way the bright colours around the edges really draw your eye in. The things I dislike about this blog is that there isn't anything that expresses the artists personality. From this wesite i want to take away the navigational ideas and the way he has linked all together to his other webiste and social networks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online portfolio?

 There are both good and bad reasons to do a portfolio. On one hand it will begood as nyou dont have to carryit around and if anyone asks you to see your work you can just give them the website. On the other hand then you dotn always get to express yourself as you would in person.
The Advantages
1. It can be free to set-up.
2. Easy to manage
3. Dont have to carry it around with you
4. Able to market from that platform to social media.
5. The web host promotes their site to attract visitors so more people will see your work.
The Disadvantages
1. Part of a community of other artists.
2. Difficult to find your website/art portfolio.
3. You will have ads on your page that could distract visitors.
4. In most cases Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not possible.
5. Being free usually means that there are limitations on design and size.
6. Doesnt able you to express yourself as much as a paper one
6. Some universitys dont look at them  

Friday, 17 January 2014

what is a portrait?

For this shoot i wanted to test the boundarys of portraiture and what really is a portrait. Everyone has there own opinion on what a portait is. At first i thought it was simple, someones face, but when you really look into it you see its muvh more then that and it csn be a broader genre then people think. For these photos i wanted to cover up/hide what is the styrotype of portraits (the face). i really like these because they are a little bit diffrent and they catch your eye. I chose this type of lighting because it adds a bit of drama to the photo making it more interesting for the viewer. If i could improve then i would have done more people.

Thursday, 9 January 2014


For this shoot I wanted to look at an alternative way of portraits. instead of the normal photo of someones face and shoulders i took a photo of hands and stomach the place most women find unfortable to look at let alone have their photos taken off. I really like this set of images as they are really unusual and intresting to look at. I also love the way that you dont see the models face so the photo is completelty annonomus(therefore really removing what woild make it a portrait to some people). if i could improve this photo i would have got rid of the hair along the middle of the stomach as once you notice it it really sticks out. the point of this shoot was to test what is portraiture? i think with these photos i have achieved this as it could cause some controversy. 

What is a PDF?

noun: PDF; plural noun: PDFs
  1. 1.
    a file format for capturing and sending electronic documents in exactly the intended format.
    "PDF files"
    • a file in PDF format.
      "I sent him a PDF of the article"
      from online dictonary